Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm obviously not very good at this blogging stuff, as evidenced by the huge lapse of time between posts. I'll admit I'm much more comfortable with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap. My favorite and most creativity-inspiring spot is sitting upon my bed at the cabin, cup of coffee on the bed side table, kitty on my feet, music playing, and sunlight dappling through the lacy curtains. That seems to be my place to meet with the muse. On most days......I'll admit - I got nothing. And I'll further admit, it puts a little pressure on me to think I've started yet another venture that lacks follow-through. The story of my life. And it's not like - as is true of most of us - I don't have things to say. I do. It's just that taking the time to translate thoughts to fingers to keyboard is an exercise I get lazy about. Physical exercise comes easy ... I love my trips to the gym and thrive on the sweaty euphoria that follows a good workout. If only I could train myself to be as agile mentally. The good feeling that follows equates to the endorphins summoned by physical exertion. It comes from the realization that you have been able to translate innermost thoughts into words that express something that might resonate with a fellow sojourner. And so I am making the following vow to self: I will exercise the craft of transposing thoughts into written words, if for no other reason that to sort them out for my own well-being. If someone else might happen by and benefit, I would consider that a divine appointment affirming my efforts.