Friday, August 26, 2011

On Being a Grandmother

I am totally smitten! Yesterday I held my 2 day old grandson for 3 hours while he slept peacefully. My arm was dead asleep, but I wasn't about to disturb his blissful state. I looked into that perfect little face and the orbit of my life shifted. Now I understand what my friends - those who are grandmothers - have been telling me. There is no explaining it - it just is the most profound of events. Your baby has a baby. It is supremely extraordinary and amazing. Of course he is beautiful and astonishing and perfect; but, beyond that, he affirms that God does indeed know what he is doing. Outside the world is chaos - earthquakes and hurricanes and all sorts of evil, manmade and natural. But here, in the haven of our little family, for this moment in time, life is about as good as it gets.